April 06, 2016

April in Southern Ontario

That April
She makes fools of us
Long blades of grass poking through heavy white snow
Daffodil buds hanging low, forlorn and bedraggled

Many harried minutes
Donning heavy winter attire
Applying winter’s schedule
To bright spring sunshine

The sun mocks us
Lighting our way when dinner is done
Glinting off the white
February in May

Burdens hang on us, heavy as the snow
Our heads hang down, forlorn, lost
In this neverland of cold and wet

At night in our warm homes
Heat turned up against the damp
We wonder what we’ll shed
When finally spring’s warmth finds us

We will straighten our backs
As the heat from the sun soaks into us
Let slip our heavy load
And smile with the daffodils

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