October 29, 2018

Looking to My Month of Writing: November

November is approaching. It is the month of the year that I count on being able to write, using the structure of nanowrimo.org. NaNoWriMo is intended for novel writing. It has been used successfully by many people to get into the flow of writing and accomplish a large chunk of writing in a short time.

This year I am really only using NaNoWriMo to give me the structure to find time to write. I won’t be writing large numbers of words. I don’t expect to write a novel. But I do expect to do what I always do in November: use every spare moment for writing.

Despite having no plot or characters, this year’s planning feels much like other years. I feel myself getting into the “space” that is particular to my writing month. I am finding my way to the place where I can be open to my inner muse. This process is something that is always hard to put into words, but I can say some about it. One thing I have focused on is my breathing, the kind of deep breaths that allow me to connect to the still place inside me, the place that connects with the life of all beings. I also have a list of ideas that I can imagine might be the basis for poems. I expect to write poetry, and maybe a short story or longer story. But other than breathing and a list of ideas, I have no other concrete preparations. This will be a month of listening to my inner wisdom and creativity rather than counting on word following word to generate flow.

I try to live in the moment as much as I can these days, but I am looking forward to seeing what comes of a month of this kind of writing.

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